Cobalt Migration

Cobalt Migration

Storyline: Young Adult/Adult action-adventure. The Cobalt Migration is the first in a ten year sojourn of words and more words, now complete as the Tom Luong Tomorrow Collection spanning from 1945 to 2075. Three novels, (Cobalt Migration, Mars Outpost and The Jupiter Plan) each pointing to a what-if future in which our local planets are a real source for future-world needs and essentials.
Like a Christmas ribbon prepared to last forever, The Cobalt Migration is the first book that brings together a 150 year multi-family military conspiracy to colonize residences on Mars, the Moon and the moons at Jupiter, and beyond. Bariska Corso’s personal life is exposed as she attempts to seek residency at a base on Mars, even many years beyond three generations of aeronautics and space-program families as far back in history as the nuclear bombs at Japan’s Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1945.
But there’s a problem with her immigration status: she’s not from Earth and was born on the planet Pluto from military parents. And neither was her great grandmother’s UFO abduction experience. Even though her grandfather was among the first to pilot the near-light speed ships, Bariska herself has never once been home to Earth. Will Mars welcome her first? Born on Pluto by accident following a rare and horrible disaster, it’s a long way home for the Mars immigration seeker and her counselor Qualaree, in the epic saga The Cobalt Migration.

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