
  1. All the donated money will go towards helping children and adults learn the art of making movies and writing books.
  2. Donations will also be used to give world advice to all people and explore the world we live in. Also, the company will also procure jobs for the homeless and produce gifts for children around the world at Christmas each year.
  3. We are not a 503c company yet so any donations are not tax deductible. As soon as we are a non profit company, we will post it.
  4. You can donate via PayPal at; fees are 2.9% plus 50 cents.
  5. You can also Zelle donations to; no fees.
  6. Please inquire if you like to donate by any other method. All donations will be deposited into a general funds account and will be posted each month.
  7. If you like your donations to be made public, please send us an email in the contacts page stating your full NAME, how much you’ve donated, how and when you’ve donated. We will record it and post it on the website.
  8. Monthly recurring donations are extremely appreciated and will help us share and care for the children and adults of the world.
  9. Donor List will be updated at the end of every month.


We accept donations via PayPal.